The Code & PMOA

Anti-Corruption Code for Participants : The ICC Anti-Corruption Code for Participants is a comprehensive document detailing the rules that participants in the game must follow.

With effect from 1 June 2024, the ICC Anti-Corruption Code (and all domestic anti-corruption codes) was replaced with a new global version of the Code, covering all corrupt activity throughout official cricket, whether at the international or domestic level.

ICC Minimum Standards for Players' & Match Officials' Areas (PMOA) at International Matches: The Minimum Standards for Players & Match Officials Area explains the standards that need to be met in this area in order to comply with the Anti-Corruption code

The ICC Anti-Corruption Code for Participants

All cricket matches are to be contested on a level playing-field, with the outcome to be determined solely by the respective merits of the competing teams and to remain uncertain until the cricket match is completed. This is the essential characteristic that gives sport its unique appeal. Public confidence in the authenticity and integrity of the sporting contest is therefore vital.

The ICC and its Member Boards are committed to taking every step in their power to:

a) prevent corrupt practices undermining the integrity of the sport of cricket, including any efforts to influence improperly the outcome or any other aspect of any match; and to

b) preserve public confidence in the readiness, willingness and ability of the ICC and its Member Boards to protect the sport from such corrupt practices.

With effect from 1 June 2024, the Anti-Corruption Code (the Code) provides the ICC and its Member Boards with the power to proactively and thoroughly investigate incidents of corruption in the ongoing effort to protect the integrity of the game.

The Code covers all cricket (whether international or domestic) played under the auspices of the ICC and its Members and applies to all Participants; player, coach, trainer, manager, selector, team owner or official, doctor, physiotherapist, match referee, pitch curator, player agent, umpires, as well as ICC and NCF Officials. Participants are bound by the Code for 2 years after they have last participated in any form of official cricket.

The Code sets out the rules, offences and sanctions. The maximum possible sanction for the most serious breaches of the Anti-Corruption Code is a LIFE BAN from all involvement in the game. In some countries, there is also the possibility of criminal sanctions.

In short, the offences under the Anti-Corruption Code relate to the following:

- Match fixing / spot fixing
- Betting on cricket
- Misuse of inside information
- Failing to report an ‘approach’ or corrupt conduct to the ICC ACU
- Failing to cooperate with, or obstructing an investigation or proceedings.

The Code provides that were Corrupt Conduct takes place in or in relation to an International Match, the ICC will be responsible for dealing with the conduct. Where Corrupt Conduct takes place in relation to a Domestic Match (including franchise leagues), the responsibility for dealing with that conduct lies, in the first instance, with the National Cricket Federation under whose jurisdiction the relevant Domestic Match was taking place.


nb. Offences committed before 1 June will be dealt with under the previous Code (although procedurally under the new Anti-Corruption Code):

ICC ANTI-CORRUPTION CODE - amended with effect from 1 Jan 2021 [PDF]

ICC Anti-Corruption Minimum Standards for Players and Match Officials Areas (PMOA)

The ICC developed Minimum Standards for Players and Match Officials Areas (PMOA) in the early 2000s in support of the Anti-Corruption Code. To this day they continue to protect Participants from unwanted communication from third parties and prevent issues of unintentional disclosure of inside information.

At each relevant International Match, the PMOA includes the dressing rooms used by the teams and match officials, match view areas used by teams (including dug-outs), operational rooms used by any umpire or match referee, dining areas used by teams and match officials and any other area the ICC Anti-Corruption manager determines should be included.

Key Points to remember:

- You can only enter the PMOA if you have been granted, and are wearing, PMOA accreditation.

- Express permission is required to leave the PMOA during the match from the Anti-Corruption Manager (ACM); or, where the ACM is unavailable, the relevant team manager or Match Referee (in the case of a Match Official) who must notify the ACM at the earliest opportunity.

- Communication devices are prohibited within the PMOA, barring specific exceptions. Without exception, no player shall be in possession of, or use a communication device (such as a mobile phone or a device which is connected to the internet, while in the PMOA.

- Failure to comply with PMOA regulations may result in financial penalties.

ICC Minimum Standards for Players' & Match Officials' Areas (PMOA) at International Matches - effective as from 1 December 2018 [PDF]

Full Member, Domestic Anti-Corruption Codes for Participants

As mentioned above, with effect from 1 June 2024, domestic anti-corruption codes issued by Member Boards were replaced by the single Anti-Corruption Code. As such, from 1 June 2024 onwards, Participants and others interested in the subject-matter, only need to make reference to the ICC's Anti-Corruption Code wherever they may be participating in official cricket, and whether internationally or domestically. The domestic Codes previously adopted will no longer apply to matters arising after 1 June 2024.